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[careerfy_services view=”view-2″][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-curriculum” service_title=”CV Search” service_desc=”Over the coming years Ismail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-building” service_title=”Recruiter Profiles” service_desc=”And because we understand the importance of staying connected, Nimble enables people to send mobile airtime top-ups.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-briefcase” service_title=”Advertise a Job” service_desc=”Millions of us now rely on Mobile Money services instead of bank accounts, so we offer transfers directly to them.”][/careerfy_services]
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[careerfy_faqs ques_title=”FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS” faq_cat=”general-questions”][careerfy_faqs ques_title=”General Inquiries” op_first_q=”no” faq_cat=”hiring-resources”]